Amplifying voices level 2 – Environmental Racism and Water Crisis in Rio de Janeiro: Partnership CIPÓ-LabJaca.

Water insecurity is one of the climate and environmental racism strands em Brazil. CIPÓ Platform and LabJaca, a laboratory of datas and narratives about favelas and suburbs based in Rio de Janeiro, are partners in the Project “Amplifiying voices level 2: the environmental/climate racism and water crisis in Rio de Janeiro”. Through the project, CIPÓ and LabJaca are developing audiovisual content on this urgent topic. In the week of #WorldWaterDay and #GlobalClimateStrike, we started a series of videos that will address one of the dimensions of climate and environmental racism: the water crisis. The first video is now live on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, we count on your engagement!

The central objective of the project is to promote environmental and climate justice by drawing attention to the need to strengthen water security for residents of urban spaces in Rio de Janeiro. To achieve this goal, the project promotes acess to informations, transparency, participation and accessible research about water insecurity in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, including their impacts about human health and well-being. The project also gives visibility to local iniciatives focused on the guarantee of water security, pointing ways to incentivate the local engagement in denouncing the factors behind waer insecurity and in demands for solutions by the state authorities.

CIPÓ and LabJaca have been partners since 2021, in the Amplifying Voices Project: fighting environmental and climate racism in urban spaces, also supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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