Cafezinho Podcast: CIPÓ Discusses the BRICS and the Environmental Agenda

Alessandra Castilho, an associate researcher at Plataforma CIPÓ, is this week’s guest on the “Cafezinho” podcast, produced by Shūmiàn 书面. She spoke with media manager Aline Tedeschi about environmental cooperation within the new BRICS, originally formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and later, South Africa.

Starting in 2024, six more countries will join the group: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Iran. According to her, this expansion brings some challenges. “This year’s Summit’s final declaration emphasizes investment in energy transition, but we’ll have to see if this materializes into effective actions within the bloc itself.”

Castilho recalls that since the creation of BRICS in 2009, the issue of sustainable development has consistently been mentioned in speeches, joint declarations, and even during the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) in 2014.

“So, it’s a very important topic. Nevertheless, there is heterogeneity; different views, for example, in ambition levels and emission reduction targets within the scope of Paris Agreement. Each country has its own goals and priorities,” she highlights.

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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