Global Policy Dialogue in Recife: Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis through Improved Global Governance

Plataforma CIPÓ, the Global Governance Innovation Network, Stimson Center, Global Challenges Foundation, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Heinrich Böll Foundation hosted the Global Policy Dialogue:Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis through Improved Global Governance,” which took place in January 19-20, 2023, in Recife.

The event brought together a select, yet diverse group from UN Missions and the Secretariat, think tanks, universities, the private sector, and other civil society organizations to discuss solutions for addressing the intersection between Climate Change, Biodiversity and Nature Loss and Pollution and Waste.

Three of the dialogue’s panels were conducted in a hybrid format and were open to the public. Below you can access the event’s agenda, photos and live streaming recordings.


DAY 1, THURSDAY (January 19)

8:45AM Brasília/11:45AM GMT: Opening Session: “Global Governance and the Triple Planetary Crisis of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Nature Loss and Pollution and Waste”

Click here to access the opening session’s livestream recording

Welcome remarks

  • Dr. Abdenur, Executive Director of Plataforma CIPÓ
  • Dr. Richard Ponzio, Director, Global Governance, Justice & Security Program, Stimson Center
  • Dr. Magnus Jiborn, Research Director, Global Challenges Foundation
  • Annette Von Schönfeld, Diretora da Fundação Heinrich Böll no Brasil


  • Dr. José Graziano, Director, Instituto Fome Zero; Ex-Diretor Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Agricultura e a Alimentação, FAO
  • Dr. Maria João Rodrigues, President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS); Former member of the European Parliament
  • Dr. Izabella Teixeira, Former Environment Miniser of Brazil; Co-President of the International Resources Panel, United Nations
  • Her Excellency Mary Robinson, Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Former President of Ireland (virtual)

Moderator: Maiara Folly, Programmes Director at Plataforma CIPÓ

DAY 2, FRIDAY (January 20)

8:45AM Brasília / 11:45AM GMTThe UN and the Triple Planetary Crisis: the role of the Global South

Click here to access the panel’s livestream recording


  • Ambassador Thilmeeza Hussain, Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations
  • Dr. Adam Day, UNU Center for Policy Research
  • Dr. David Obura,Earth Commission member and Founding Director of CORDIO East Africa

    Moderator: Dr. Fernanda Carvalho, WWF Global Climate and Energy Policy Lead

  • Dr. Imme Scholz, President of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Foundation and co-chair of the Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 (virtual)
  • Juan Fernando Lucio Lopez, Director of Paso Colombia, One Earth Foundation

2:45PM (Brasília time): South-South and inter-regional cooperation to achieve climate justice and promote a just transition

Click here to access the panel’s livestream recording


  • Ambassador Carlos Lazary, Executive Director of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
  • Ambassador Keisha McGuire, President and CEO of the Present and Future Institute (FPI); former Permanent Representative of Grenada to the UN
  • Ambassador Muhammad Ahmad Makarfi, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Nigeria to Brazil
  • Dr. Maria João Rodrigues, President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS); Former member of the European Parliament
  • Fernando Andrade, Technical Expert on Climate Change at the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP (virtual)

    Moderator: Nudhara Yusuf, Global Governance Innovation Network Facilitator for the Stimson Center’s Global Governance, Justice and Security Program

The dialogue was conducted in English and Portuguese with the use of simultaneous interpretation. Access the concept note of the event here.

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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