Announcement on Leadership Change: Plataforma CIPÓ has New Executive Director

Plataforma CIPÓ informs that, as of February 8, 2023, our Co-Founder, Adriana Erthal Abdenur, will assume the role of Special Advisor in the Presidency of the Republic, in the area of international relations. Co-Founder and former Director of Programs at CIPÓ, Maiara Folly, takes over as Executive Director.

We will continue working towards our mission of promoting sustainable development, climate justice and a more democratic and effective global governance.

Read below the announcements by Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Maiara Folly.

Three years ago, I embarked on the steepest learning curve of my career, building the Plataforma CIPÓ from scratch with Maiara Folly and forming a diverse and effective team. Today I begin a sabbatical from the 3rd sector to take on another challenge: contributing to the national project from the federal government, as Special Advisor for International Relations in the Presidency of the Republic. I have full confidence in Maiara’s ability to lead CIPÓ with the same determination, competence and vision that she has always brought to the organization. She will be able to rely on a dedicated and skilled team, to continue developing and deepening the organization’s excellent work in favor of just and sustainable development, climate justice and a more democratic and effective global governance. I am very proud to have been part of this collective construction and I am sure that it will continue to generate innovative research, proposals and partnerships.
I am grateful to Ambassador Celso Amorim for the invitation to join a mixed team of experienced researchers and diplomats committed to democracy and to the rebuilding of the country. It is an honor to be part of the third administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the task of revitalizing Brazil’s role in the region and in the world. I am also grateful to my family, friends and colleagues for their support and love during this transition and beyond.

Dr. Adriana Abdenur, Plataforma CIPÓ Co-Founder

During 12 years working together, we have analyzed, produced knowledge and sought to think of solutions for the main challenges that affect Brazil and the world. In 2020, it became clear that innovative responses and initiatives would be urgently needed in the face of strong geopolitical tensions — exacerbated by unprecedented threats to democracy in different parts of the globe, as well as the increasingly concrete effects of climate change and the catastrophic consequences of the pandemic. That’s why Adriana and I decided to found Plataforma CIPÓ, an independent and non-profit research institute dedicated to issues of the environment, climate, governance and international relations. In three years of existence, CIPÓ has joined forces with organizations and partners from different sectors to not only contain setbacks, but also to develop effective responses to the emerging challenges of the Anthropocene. Today, we have a united and highly qualified team operating from different Brazilian cities and regions, as well as Mexico City and London.
With my collaborating partner of more than a decade treading new paths as Special Advisor for International Relations in the Presidency of the Republic, I am proud to assume the position of Executive Director in the organization that together we envisioned and co-led over the last few years. I am confident that, with the dedication and competence of our team and with an experienced Advisory Board that is highly proactive during this time of transition, Plataforma CIPÓ will continue to make a difference in building a more just, peaceful and sustainable Brazil and world.

Maiara Folly, Plataforma CIPÓ’s new Executive Director

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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