COP27: CIPÓ events, agenda and activities in Sharm el-Sheikh

CIPÓ will take part in COP27, held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, organizing various events and participating in other initiatives. This page will be repeatedly updated with our delegation’s events and other activities.

November 8

Forests and oceans as key reserves of biodiversity: experiences and contributions from civil society to promote climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Date: November 8, 12-12:45

Place: Euroclima pavillion


  • Osver Polo – MOCICC (Peru)
  • Adriana Abdenur – Plataforma CIPÓ (Brazil)
  • Gabriela Soto – DAR Peru
  • Carlos E. Núñez – Sustenta Honduras
  • Karla Mass – CANLA Secretariat (moderator)

The event aims to make forests and oceans visible as the main reserves and global biodiversity and as key elements in the face of the climate crisis through experiences to face the risks of their inadequate management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective is to consolidate recommendations based on experiences with the potential to be elevated to mitigation and adaptation actions that foster national planning and public policies to build more resilient territories and peoples, in line with the Paris Agreement and national commitments.

Sponsors: Plataforma CIPÓ, MOCICC – Movimiento Ciudadano Front to Change Climate (Peru), Sustenta Honduras (Honduras), DAR – Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Peru) and CANLA – Climate Action Network Latin American

November 10

Brazil-Congo-Indonesia Alliance (BIC) for fair and sustainable forest governance

Date: November 10, 1pm to 2pm (Egypt) / 8am-9am (Brasilia)

Place: Brazil Climate Action Hub


  • Izabella Teixeira, Counselor for the Presidency of COP-27 and Former Minister of the Environment of (2010-2016)
  • Ève Bazaiba Masudi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Democratic Republic of Congo (to be confirmed)
  • Agus Justanto, Director General of Forest Management for Sustainable Production of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forests

Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (BICs) have the three largest rainforest areas in the world, all of which are under threat from deforestation and other environmental crimes, provoking serious consequences for local populations and the climate, as well as an accelerated loss of biodiversity. In his first speech as President-elect of Brazil, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva highlighted the importance of promoting sustainable development and international cooperation to protect the Amazon.

In this context, an alliance led by the Global South with the objective of defining principles and practices for effective international cooperation for the protection of forests, based on the promotion of a fair and sustainable development model, becomes even more strategic.

The event will debate ways to enhance the BICs alliance, as well as to expand it beyond the BICs countries, seeking to stimulate international cooperation between companies, states and coalitions both in the Global North and South. The ultimate goal is to protect forest areas, including by ensuring commodity chains that are free from deforestation, environmental crimes and human rights violations.

Sponsors: Plataforma CIPÓ, Imaflora, Chatham House, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP); Centre d’Etudes pour l’Action Sociale (República Democrática do Congo), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)’s Centre for Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability Sciences, Observatório do Clima e Maranta.

There will be a live broadcast via the link: and simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Portuguese, English and French.

November 14

Climate and International Strategy: New Pathways for Brazil

Date: November 14, 3:45 PM

Place: Brazil Climate Action Hub


The event will feature representatives of the transition team of the government of President-Elect Lula Inácio da Silva

After four years of isolation, Brazil returns to the international scene with a new progressive government at a time when climate change occupies a central place in international relations. How can Brazil incorporate the climate and the environment in its strategy abroad? The document “Climate and International Strategy: New Pathways for Brazil”, the result of consultations with 70 actors from different sectors, proposes a strategy that combines climate action with inclusive and sustainable development, as well as the defense of multilateralism and fair and effective global governance.

Sponsors: Plataforma CIPÓ, Observatório do Clima and Maranta

The discussion will be broadcast live via the Brazil Climate Action Hub webpage:

November 14

Wisdom, Law & International Frameworks for a Livable Planet: Reflections from the Work of the Climate Governance Commission – (CIPÓ is co-sponsor)

Date: November 14, 5-9 PM

Place: Future Economy Forum


  • Maura del Barba,Member of the Italian Parliament
  • Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, President/CEO, International Peace, Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Martin Köppel,CEO, Protect the Planet
  • Wanjira Mathai,Director for Africa of the World Resources Institute
  • Dennis van Berkel,Urgenda’s legal advisor who won a climate mitigation against the government of the Netherlands
  • Amanda Ellis,Former New Zealand Ambassador to the UN
  • Sarah Mead,Co-Director, Global Climate Litigation Network
  • Jule Schnakenberg,World Youth for Climate Justice
  • Rob Johnson,I-Net, Institute New Economic Thinking

Read more:

November 17

The Amazon Consortium and Pan-Amazonian Cooperation

Date: November 17

Place: Legal Amazon Hub

The preservation of the Amazon region is fundamental to the world’s climate and biodiversity. In addition to conservation and law enforcement, the region depends on the development of businesses and local economies that support the 20 million people who live in the Amazon to secure more income from “standing trees” than from their elimination. With the objective of supporting the development of the Amazon strategy of the new Brazilian government, this dialogue will seek to discuss solutions and ways to promote regenerative economic development in the Amazon region.

Date: November 17, 5-9 PM

Place: Future Economy Forum


  • Helmy Abouleish, CEO da Sekem
  • Walter Link, CEO do Future Economy Forum
  • Hunter Lovins, NOW Partners


  • Renata Piazzon, Arapyau Foundation and the Concertation for the Amazon
  • Keyvan Macedo*, Natura & Co (Natura, The Body Shop, Aesop, Avon)
  • Marina Silva*, Former Minister of the Environment of Brazil
  • Jonah Wittkamper, Amazon Investor Coalition
  • Teresa Bracher, Mario Haberfeld or Robert Klabin* coalition for the regeneration of the Amazon and the Pantanal
  • Pedro Paulo Diniz or Fabio Sakamoto*, Leaders of Rizoma Agro
  • Luis Fernando Guedes Pinto, SOS Mata Atlântica
  • Adriana Erthal Abdenur*, Executive Director of Plataforma CIPÓ
  • Leo Bonanni, Fonder & CEO, Sourcemap

Saiba mais:

Through its participation in COP27, CIPÓ intends to achieve four main objectives:

  1. Help pressure governments, including Brazil, to make significant commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with the Paris Agreement; and to advance the adaptation, climate finance and climate justice agendas;
  2. Collaborate with other civil society organizations in pressing for the end of policies with negative socio-environmental effects that are being implemented in the Brazilian Amazon and other sensitive biomes – which have serious consequences not only for local communities, especially indigenous peoples and traditional communities, but also for the climate. CIPÓ also advocates for the adoption of more sustainable and inclusive approaches in the country;
  3. To point out new pathways for Brazil in the area of ​​international policy and climate; and
  4. To share CIPO’s recent research on climate-related topics, including: environmental crimes; international cooperation around climate issues; gender, climate and security; civil society participation in climate negotiations; and environmental/climate racism – with UN Member States, civil society, international organizations and private sector actors involved in promoting climate action.

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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