Folha de São Paulo highlights the release of the paper Climate and International Strategy: New Paths for Brazil

The journalist Patrícia Campos Mello highlighted the release of the paper “Climate and International Strategy: New Paths for Brazil”, the result of bilateral consultations with over 70 actors from many sectors, in an article on Folha de São Paulo in 11/15/2022.

The climate should be the new base for regional integration in South and Latin America. Organizations like Mercosul, Unasul and OTCA must be prioritized as ways to think the block negotiations.


According to the former chancellor Celso Amorim, who sign the preface, the document “provides inputs to climate have a centrality in the international strategy of Brazil.”

The bilateral consultations were held with decision-makers and other actors from all sectors — government agencies, civil society and social movements, the private sector, finance, and international organizations — across different regions of Brazil.

Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ
Plataforma CIPÓ is an independent, women-led policy institute focusing on climate, governance, and peacebuilding in Latin America and the Caribbean and, more generally, the Global South.



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