What does Just Transition mean in Middle Income Countries (MICs)? #Stockholm+50

As Stockholm+50 begins, debates about Just Transition are still heavily dominated by Global North discourses that focus narrowly on mitigation – reducing greenhouse gas emissions – placing energy and cutting-edge technologies squarely at the center. These visions are based on the particular energy mix of rich countries, their labor market structures, policy frameworks and capacity – including financial capacity – to prepare and adjust to the social impacts, for example re-qualifying the labor force in sectors where job losses are anticipated towards the types of skills that will be necessary for activities that will emerge in the “green economy.”   

These priorities do not always correspond to the demands and realities of developing countries, including Middle Income Countries (MICs). So what does Just Transition mean for Middle Income Countries? Read CIPÓ Executive Director Adriana Abdenur’s take on this question on the United Nations ECOSOC Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) blog on the UN website.

Adriana Abdenur
Adriana Abdenurhttps://plataformacipo.org/
Executive Director at CIPÓ, is a Brazilian international relations and policy expert based in Rio de Janeiro. She is a member of the UN Committee on Development Policy and of the Global Climate Commission. She earned her PhD from Princeton University in 2006.



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