How to promote commodities chains free of deforestation, environmental crimes and human rights violations? CIPÓ’s new publication, co-authored in partnership with the Climate Governance Commission, explores paths forward. The policy brief, launched on the occasion of the 2022 United Nations General Assembly by the Global Governance Innovation Network (GGIN), argues that, in order to promote more effective global governance for forests, it is necessary to create a Responsibility Chains process. The concept comprises a multisectoral model that aims to bring together relevant actors and initiatives in producing and importing countries, coordinate efforts, and produce a comprehensive framework to combat illegal deforestation and other socio-environmental and human rights violations associated with the main supply chains. commodities that put pressure on the forest, such as soy, beef, timber and gold.

To the co-authors, Adriana Abdenur, Maiara Folly e Maja Groff, “the creation of a Task Force on Responsibility Chains would allow for a broader understanding of how commodity production, trade, and consumption are driving climate change, environmental destruction, and human rights violations.”
The policy is divided into three sections: The first notes key gaps in global governance for forest protection. Next, the brief explains the concept of Responsibility Chains. The last and final part of the policy brief specifies recommendations for kickstarting the initiative and linking it to relevant global frameworks, including at the United Nations (UN).