In an article published on December 3, 2021, by Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, Gabrielle Alves (Plataforma CIPÓ) and Mariana de Paula (LabJaca) addressed the current challenges potential and solutions to Environmental and climate racism in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The article was written as a result of a partnership between Plataforma CIPÓ and LabJaca in the project “Amplifying Voices: Combating Environmental and Climate Racism in Urban Spaces“, supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
In the article, the authors highlight the dimensions of environmental and climate racism faced by residents of Jacarezinho, Manguinhos and Cachoeirinha Favela, relying on concrete examples as a basis for the development of public policy recommendations aimed at promoting climate justice. The authors argue that “there is no environmental and climate justice without racial justice.”