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Global Governance and International Cooperation
Image: Mat Reding on Unsplash
The strategic goal of the Global Governance and International Cooperation program is to draw on local experiences in the Global South to promote more effective, people-centered norms, frameworks, policies and governance structures at the local, regional, and global levels. CIPÓ aims to boost international cooperation, including South-South cooperation, on climate and environment; sustainable development; peace and security; migration, and human rights; and to promote more effective Brazilian Foreign Policy in those areas.
The program has two objectives:
- CIPÓ works to promote more effective multilateral, bilateral and trilateral cooperation and to boost the inclusiveness of international organizations including the United Nations (UN) and the G20, by working with networks of civil society organizations, such as the Together First campaign for UN reform; the Southern Voice network of think tanks in developing countries; the community of BRICS think tanks; and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC).
- In Latin America and the Caribbean, CIPÓ aims to consolidate and deepen South-South and regional frameworks and mechanisms for sustainable development and human rights, focusing not only on existing organizations, such as the Organization of American States and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), but also ad hoc arrangements like the Leticia Pact and emerging frameworks, such the Escazú Agreement.