CIPÓ co-sponsored the event “From UNGA to COP26 and beyond: The Future of Climate Governance”, promoted by the Stimson Center. The event comments on the recent 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shows that the world has little chance of achieving climate change mitigation goals in our lives, given the continuous degradation of the environment.

The discussion was about the climate action timelines of many nations, that are not ambitious enough and current global governance approaches remain weak, lack accountability mechanisms, which are fragmented and siloed. The guiding questions were: “What new approaches and governance innovations might the international community wish to consider, as a matter of priority for climate action? And what strategies can be considered to ensure that these innovations are implemented?”
Meet the painelists.
- Maja Groff, Convenor, Climate Governance Commission
- Richard Ponzio, Senior Fellow and Director, Global Governance, Justice and Security Program at the Stimson Center, and Member of the Climate Governance Commission (presenting the Stimson Center’s report “Building Back Together & Greener: Twenty Initiatives for a Just, Healthy, and Sustainable Global Recovery”)
- Jimena Leiva Roesch, Senior Fellow and Head of Peace and Sustainable Development at the International Peace Institute, and Member of the Climate Governance Commission
- Dhabia Al-Mohannadi, Professor, Texas A&M University at Qatar
- Katharine Rietig, Associate Professor in International Politics at Newcastle University, and Member of the Climate Governance Network
- Michael Collins, Executive Director for the Americas at the Institute for Economics and Peace
- Magnus Jiborn, Head of Research, Global Challenges Foundation, and Member of the Climate Governance Commission