On May 15, 2022, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo interviewed the Brazilian Ambassador Flávio Damico, who is currently the chair of the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons. Along with other developing nations, Brazil defends the need to regulate the use of autonomous weapons systems that could strike against a target without meaningful human control.
CIPÓ’s Programme Director, Maiara Folly, was also interviewed by Jornal O Globo and highlighted that civil society needs to pressure governments around the world to agree on international law to regulate autonomous weapons.
“Armed conflicts are already marked by a high degree of impunity, including when new technologies are employed. For example, we rarely see those responsible for wrongful drone attacks being punished, even when attacks result in a large number of fatal victims — says Maiara Folly. – With weapon systems operating with an increasing degree of autonomy, it is increasingly difficult to assign responsibilities to specific individuals. This could make the levels of impunity for acts of disproportionate use of violence even higher.
Plataforma CIPÓ is a member of the Stop Killer Robots Campaign.