To what extent does the Glasgow Declaration represent real progress towards key forest-related goals, such as curbing deforestation, promoting sustainable management and conservation of forests, advancing reforestation, and making forest supply chains more transparent? What can be done to develop the commitments into tools for effective results in these areas?
This policy brief, by CIPÓ Executive Director Adriana Erthal Abdenur (currently also a Senior Policy Fellow at the United Nations University Center for Policy Research) analyses key documents and processes by UN bodies, Member States, private sector actors and civil society organizations (CSOs) in order to identify the deal’s limitations and potential.
Dr. Abdenur argues that the agreement is part of a long tradition of UN Member States falling back on non-binding commitments around forests, but that the recognition of links between forests, climate change, and the socioenvironmental impacts of environmental crimes opens up space for stronger action and cooperation by national governments – if they begin acting now. In addition, the Declaration can serve as an important tool for civil society to monitor and assess progress towards sustainable forest management and conservation.