The executive director of Plataforma CIPÓ, Maiara Folly, was interviewed by The Associated Press News for their article: “Brazil’s Amazon megaprojects threaten Lula’s green ambitions.”
The article sheds light to the challenges and contradictions faced by Lula’s government in the environmental area, including a potential drilling of oil near the mouth of the Amazon River and the risks associated with infrastructure projects such as the renewal of the license for the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam and Ferrogrão, a 933-kilometer railway that would impact several indigenous lands in the Amazon.
Folly spoke about the difficulty of persuading the government to abandon projects deemed strategic, even when there are significant socio-environmental risks.
The AP article also features interviews with Alessandra Korap, a Munduruku indigenous leader who recently won the Goldman Environmental Prize for her work against illegal mining, and Suely Araújo, a public policy expert from the Climate Observatory, a network of organizations that includes CIPÓ.